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  Support the IAGC year round while promoting your organization and services. *


Scroll Down to read about the different types of support memeberships.

Two choices of SUPPORT memberships


Connect with IAGC members and visitors to the IAGC website throughout the year through an annual Web Sponsor Membership.

Included in the Professional Directory as a key resource for families and educators.


    • Logo and Link prominently displayed on the IAGC Home Page, Sponsor Page, and at least two other pages throughout the year  
    • Included in the IAGC Quarterly newsletter 
    • Included in occasional member or contact email communications 
    • Sponsor Spotlight segment on sponsor webpage including company description or message 
    • occasional social media blast
    • Email blast to IAGC membership promoting up to two Sponsor events or offerings per year

Discount on any Conference Sponsor Level.



As a professional who works with gifted students and families, you will be included in the IAGC Professional Membership Directory as a Professional Resource Provider for the IAGC Community.  
Categories include:
    • Therapy / Counseling
    • Schools / Educational Resources   
    • Assessment / Identification 
    • Advocacy / Legal  
    • Academic Support / Tutoring  
    • Research / Program or District Consultant
Although all Professional Memberships must be approved by IAGC, inclusion in the Professional Directory is not an endorsement or recommendation by the IAGC.

Listing in Professional Directory is automatically included in Web Sponsor Membership.


Choose your Sponsorship Level Below.

* All sponsors must apply for approval from IAGC to ensure that products / services are aligned with the mission of the organization.

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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

Contact Us:

Illinois Association for Gifted Children

1500 Sullivan Road
Aurora, IL 60506

Ph: 630-907-5047
Fax: 630-907-5976

email us:

The Illinois Association for Gifted Children is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

© Illinois Association for Gifted Children

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