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IAGC Mission and Goals

Learn more about the IAGC and our work.

IAGC Mission:

The Illinois Association for Gifted Children empowers educators, families and communities by advancing effective practices, programs and policies to promote the development of gifted and talented children throughout Illinois.

Why is my IAGC membership so important?

Your membership supports IAGC’s vision. It is the vision of the Illinois Association for Gifted Children that the diverse expression of gifts and talents of all individuals are valued by society. Responsibility for nurturing, encouraging, and supporting the full development of potential in gifted children is accepted and shared by their families, educators, and communities. Individuals value themselves and their accomplishments. Their contributions are celebrated by society.


  • To advocate for all children with gifts and talents.
  • To address the excellence gap through diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • To support educators in aligning professional practice with NAGC standards.
  • To provide opportunities for professional learning related to all children with gifts and talents.
  • To engage and empower families and communities to support the needs of children with gifts and talents.
  • To increase understanding throughout the State of Illinois regarding topics that impact children with gifts and talents.

See the following pages for more information about IAGC:

Contact Us:

Illinois Association for Gifted Children

1500 Sullivan Road
Aurora, IL 60506

Ph: 630-907-5047
Fax: 630-907-5976

email us:

The Illinois Association for Gifted Children is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

© Illinois Association for Gifted Children

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