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School / district  Membership bundle


Bundles help schools and school districts provide IAGC membership to its teachers at a discounted, bundle rate.

$200  -- up to 10 members, including a Bundle Coordinator

              1. Register as a BUNDLE COORDINATOR (one of your 10 members)
              2. Complete Payment
              3. Bundle Coordinator can ADD nine more members (total 10)
              4. Need to add more members?   contact 
              5. Update your member list annually
              6. Members can change to an individual membership when they are no longer part of the SCHOOL BUNDLE   or...
              7. Contact office@iagcgifted to have members removed from the bundle
              8. Update changes to BUNDLE COORDINATOR annually or as needed

Begin registration by adding the email address of the BUNDLE COORDINATOR below.

DISTRICT / SCHOOL Membership - $200.00 (USD) Bundle (up to 10 members) Subscription period: 1 year No automatically recurring payments

Enter your email

* Mandatory fields
* Registrant's Email Address
Please use a long term email address for the person you are registering (if not yourself) which will receive important event and member updates.

Contact Us:

Illinois Association for Gifted Children

1500 Sullivan Road
Aurora, IL 60506

Ph: 630-907-5047
Fax: 630-907-5976

email us:

The Illinois Association for Gifted Children is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

© Illinois Association for Gifted Children

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software